The COVID-19 pandemic has hurt many local businesses especially restaurants and retail shops, but there are essential businesses that have grown during these times. Local retail pharmacies, in particular, have been mobilized in response to provide testing and vaccinations for their communities. Dinno Health, a group of four pharmacies in Greater Boston, has stepped up during these unusual circumstances and served their communities well. As their digital marketing services provider, WSI is happy to have supported their customer outreach and services.  They have been a customer of WSI since 2019 and we are pleased that they are continuing their local SEO program with WSI for the third year.

The local SEO program focuses on products including

In addition, each pharmacy has its own web page, Facebook page and Google My Business listing. Last year, Dinno Health acquired another community pharmacy, Theatre Pharmacy in Lexington, bringing the total number of pharmacies in the group to four. The other three are Acton Pharmacy in Acton, Keyes Drug in Newton and West Concord Pharmacy in Concord, Massachusetts.


Furthermore, the pharmacy group launched online stores for each of its pharmacies.  These online stores provide a broad range of products from personal care, over-the-counter medicine and treatments, vitamins and supplements, to home health care products, baby care and even household products like paper goods and cleaning products.  They enable Dinno Health pharmacies to compete with national pharmacy chains. Local residents are now aware of the diverse products that can be purchased from their community pharmacy.  Shop local becomes viable and easy. This development is timely also because more people now prefer to shop online due to the pandemic.

WSI is pleased to expand the local SEO program to include Theatre Pharmacy and the four online stores.

Local need for pharmacy services has increased a lot since the pandemic. Business is brisk and timely marketing communications has become very important. Website visits, Facebook followers and engagement increased by leaps and bounds. The pharmacies continue to hold community health events, though they have moved from in-person events to online webinars.

WSI will continue to help improve the pharmacy group’s Google rankings by posting regularly on its Google My Business listings, as well as link building by publishing blog posts on several off site blogs including a family life style blog on Wix, a home and healthy living blog on Blogger, a health and wellness blog on WordPress, a home and housekeeping blog on Medium, and a family life and wellness blog  on Weebly. On site blog posts are also published regularly and are mostly recaps of their webinars. With these efforts, as well as the company’s inhouse email marketing and facebook marketing efforts, we believe the pharmacies’ online presence will continue to grow and flourish.