custom software development services

Velocity Partners, a Seattle-based offshore software development company has agreed to expand its SEO efforts with WSI.  Velocity has a large team of South American developers and engineers, who use Agile software development techniques to deliver world class programming services to companies of all sizes. The expansion is designed to focus off page optimization on additional keywords that more narrowly describe what Velocity does, and what velocity is.    The following pages and keywords are the new focus for the engagement:

Outsource Software Development

South America Software Development

Agile Offshore Development

Nearshore Software Development

Offshore Software Development Services

Custom Web Application Development

Outsource App Development

Offshore Application Development

Argentina Software Outsourcing

Going forward, this expanded effort will focus on the creation and syndication of various types of off page content with links back to the above pages.  This will include blogs, directory listings, and social media posts all designed to build links and social signals around the above keywords.  As this effort unfolds, Velocity expects to see their brand at the top of the results for these additional keywords.

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